Monday 13 June 2011

Very Long week

 Its been a while since I have blogged, no reason other than I have been really lazy

Its been quite a week last week. As you know my Nanny passed away last Monday, I took it harder than I thought I would. I think not only was I mourning the passing of her but actually loosing her way to early to alzheimer's, I spent pretty much three days straight crying whenever I thought of her which was often. Her service was on Tuesday, I ended doing a eulogy on behalf of my sister and I which was hard but glad I was able to do it for my Papa and my Mom. It was really hard watching Nanny casket get buried,  I was crying so hard while watching this my 5 year old nephew yelled out as his Dad was putting dirt over top of casket "Good Job Dad"  I could not help but laugh.  Rachel had a little chat with him but it was nice to have something to break the tension.  It was a very long and emotional day.

Wednesday Logan finally got his cast off, the last week before he got it off he was walking around however when he got it off he would not walk. I did not go with Dave and Logan to the cast clinic because when I got the phone call for his appt they say he could be there up to 3 hours so instead of packing up the baby I stayed home. The doctor told Dave that everything looked great and that there should be no problems, except he might walk with a limp and his foot turned out for a bit. So all Wednesday he would not walk would scream if we put him on his feet I thought that something was wrong and that we would have to bring him back. My mom came to see the kids on Thursday and as I ran some quick errands she got him to walk around and walk to me when I got home. I was so relieved, he still is walking with a limp and his foot turned out, he could be walking like this up to a month he has to gain muscle mass back in his leg but at least he is walking. Logan also started swimming lessons on Thursday, it was kinda hard letting him get into the pool with just an instructor. He did everything that was ask of him to do, so proud of my little man.

Saturday was Logan 3rd birthday party. Dave and I were up way to late Friday morning getting everything ready for it but it was so worth it. We had it a community center, it was all set up with slides, toys, ride on toys and a playhouse. The kids had so much fun. We did a Super Hero Squad theme for him, though I am little sad because we forgot the cupcake toppers that Dave spent many hours making oh well. Logan was just priceless when he was opening his gifts, this was the first year that he opened them all on his own he kept oohing and awing everything all the adults were just killing themselves. Also on Saturday baby girl turned 7 months, I am finding that the months are going by way quicker with her than they ever were with Logan. I guess I am a lot busier with the two of them.

Happy 3rd Birthday Logan
Happy 7 months Baby Girl June 11 2011
Logan was so excited about opening his presents
The awesome slide that Logan got from Nana and Papa