Monday 13 June 2011

Very Long week

 Its been a while since I have blogged, no reason other than I have been really lazy

Its been quite a week last week. As you know my Nanny passed away last Monday, I took it harder than I thought I would. I think not only was I mourning the passing of her but actually loosing her way to early to alzheimer's, I spent pretty much three days straight crying whenever I thought of her which was often. Her service was on Tuesday, I ended doing a eulogy on behalf of my sister and I which was hard but glad I was able to do it for my Papa and my Mom. It was really hard watching Nanny casket get buried,  I was crying so hard while watching this my 5 year old nephew yelled out as his Dad was putting dirt over top of casket "Good Job Dad"  I could not help but laugh.  Rachel had a little chat with him but it was nice to have something to break the tension.  It was a very long and emotional day.

Wednesday Logan finally got his cast off, the last week before he got it off he was walking around however when he got it off he would not walk. I did not go with Dave and Logan to the cast clinic because when I got the phone call for his appt they say he could be there up to 3 hours so instead of packing up the baby I stayed home. The doctor told Dave that everything looked great and that there should be no problems, except he might walk with a limp and his foot turned out for a bit. So all Wednesday he would not walk would scream if we put him on his feet I thought that something was wrong and that we would have to bring him back. My mom came to see the kids on Thursday and as I ran some quick errands she got him to walk around and walk to me when I got home. I was so relieved, he still is walking with a limp and his foot turned out, he could be walking like this up to a month he has to gain muscle mass back in his leg but at least he is walking. Logan also started swimming lessons on Thursday, it was kinda hard letting him get into the pool with just an instructor. He did everything that was ask of him to do, so proud of my little man.

Saturday was Logan 3rd birthday party. Dave and I were up way to late Friday morning getting everything ready for it but it was so worth it. We had it a community center, it was all set up with slides, toys, ride on toys and a playhouse. The kids had so much fun. We did a Super Hero Squad theme for him, though I am little sad because we forgot the cupcake toppers that Dave spent many hours making oh well. Logan was just priceless when he was opening his gifts, this was the first year that he opened them all on his own he kept oohing and awing everything all the adults were just killing themselves. Also on Saturday baby girl turned 7 months, I am finding that the months are going by way quicker with her than they ever were with Logan. I guess I am a lot busier with the two of them.

Happy 3rd Birthday Logan
Happy 7 months Baby Girl June 11 2011
Logan was so excited about opening his presents
The awesome slide that Logan got from Nana and Papa

Thursday 26 May 2011

Thankful Thursday: My two babies

You may or may not know that it took a while for me to get pregnant and stay pregnant.  It took just over 2 years to get pregnant with Logan (1 year no medication 1 year with) and 6 months for Ryleigh (5 months on our own 1 months with med).  Infertility sucks, for me it was full of heartbreak, anger, tears, letdowns, ultrasounds and a lot of blood work. It consumed my life, it was only I could think about.  I spent more times that I can count staring at that pregnancy test just in the right light to see if there was a second line, only to see it was stark white oh how I hated that stark white test. Praying each month that this is this month, this month I was going to get pregnant.  It was hard when friends and family members starting getting pregnant and having babies before me, which for me made my anger worse and then the guilt would start, it was not their fault that I could not get pregnant.

I am very grateful that I finally did get pregnant, there is so many women out there that have gone through far worse than I ever went through, some women out there who have to face reality that it may not be in the picture for them.  Many of them who have to go through more testing and procedure that I had to do. My heart goes out to anyone who is experiencing infertility, and that you are not alone out there.

  My children may drive me crazy at times but I love them and so extremely thankful that they are here.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Fracture Foot

I have been meaning to blog this whole week about my poor Logan foot but the computer is being preoccupied by Logan.  As you may or may not know Logan fracture his foot last Tuesday get this spinning around. He was a trooped through the whole thing, actually we had no idea that it was fractured until the x-rayed it.  Dave is going around telling people that he is fighter is some toddler MMA and that he shatter his leg, he thinks it make Logan seem a lot tougher then just spinning.

So this past week has been a bit rough on all of us.  Every morning I here him banging on his wall yelling "Mommy come get me I cant walk."  He spends majority of the time on the couch since he is not supposed to walk at all.  He has played on the floor here and there but gets easily frustrated that he can not reach the toys that he wants, eventually ends up him screaming for me to put him back on the couch.  So there has been a lot of movie watching, Cat in the hat, Super Hero squad and book reading. 

He was supposed to get his cast off on June 1 but the clinic that will be taking it off has limited appointments and will not get it off till June 8. Now that is one more week extra of me lugging around my 40+pound son, I feel bad for poor Logan I am taking him and Ryleigh for walks trying to avoid parks which is hard since they are quite a few on our walk. 

Logan after the hospital visit      

Monday 9 May 2011

Weekend Round Up: Friends, Birthday parties, Mothers day and bit of last weekend

I just realized that I did not blog about last weekend.  It was busy as usual we had friends over Friday and Saturday.  Friday we watched the Royal Wedding which was beautiful.  Saturday during the afternoon we headed to the park with our kids and then watch UFC. 

the boys being super cute reading stories *LOVE*

Sunday we headed to my sisters place for a BBQ and most important for Logan to jump on the trampoline, for days he was still talking about it.  We had beautiful weather and it was really nice to see my Dad.

All right for this weekend it was busy busy as usual.  Friday we headed over to Jen and Kevins for our weekly visit we had a very yummy dinner.  I think the boys played really well together not to sure as we ushered the boys downstairs (all the boys) so that Jen, Ryleigh and I could have a nice conversation without being interrupted a bunch of times.  Its always nice to spend time them

Saturday was Josh and Emmas birthday party over at Kokos  This place is so much fun.  We have been there a few times, the first time that I went was when Logan was just over 9 months old they have a great area for children under 3. Logan was running around like crazy, poor Dave had to chase him all around.  After lunch/dinner my sister and I brought the girls down to the baby area, my niece had so much fun playing around and the area is great because everything is padded and soft so you really do not have to worry to much other than some crazy kids running over yours.  Logan stayed with me in that area, spent a good 1/2 hour going down their little slide.  Ryleigh was super content just sitting and watching all the kids.

Ryleigh at the birthday pary

Logan and Colton

Sunday was Mothers Day, Dave very sweetly let me sleep in which was great since that past couple of days I have not been sleeping well it was nice to get some extra sleep.  He and Logan made me a wonderful breakfast of eggs benedict, toast, hash browns and melon. Logan help me open my present, which was a Gift Card to a spa to get my nails done .   I had made a joke a couple days ago that on Mothers day I did not want to change any diapers or feed any babies, my joke came true.  He took over everything, he put Ryleigh down for her nap, changed all her diapers made sure both kids were fed.  I kept on offering my help he told me nope just sit relax, watch t.v. or read my book. I feel kinda bad since Ryleigh was in a mood yesterday she either has a cold or teeth coming in but she was off pretty much all day.
My babies playing Ryleigh was calm for a bit

this pretty much sums up the day with Ryleigh she was not a happy girl yesterday

The evening we headed to my moms for dinner and had a nice night with my family.  My Mom got my sister and I some beautiful flowers for Mothers Day

Even with Ryleigh crankiness it was a nice day.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Weekend Round Up:Easter Long weekend

Nothing tops a weekend except for a long weekend and what a long and busy weekend it was.  Friday started off just being a lazy day at home, but we were invited to go the aquarium with Dave sister and her family.  Logan had a great time there, watching him watch the dolphin show was worth the trip alone he was so excited clapping his hands every time they jumped.

Saturday Sam, Rob and Autumn came over to paint some Easter eggs, it has become a tradition over the past year.  This was the first year that Logan was able to paint his own eggs.

Logan hands after painting Easter Eggs

That night the Easter Bunny came
Sunday we had an Easter Egg hunt here, Logan was really excited to have some Chocolate before breakfast.  That afternoon we headed to my Moms.  My mom very generously has been hosting an Easter egg hunt for all the kids in our family for the last four years.

Miss Ryleigh is her Easter dress thanks Nana

Monday we headed down to the states in hindsight we probably should of not gone since it was already such a busy weekend and both kids were in a horrible mood.  However the dollar is up and was to good not to pass up.  Fortunately the line was not that long going down and back so we were home before 2:00pm

Monday 18 April 2011

Weekend Round Up: Swimming lesson, Dentist and the Zoo

This weekend was very busy our Saturday morning started by taking Ryleigh to her swimming lessons.  She enjoys being in the water just watching all the other babies just taking it all in.  After swimming lessons we had Logans very first dentist appointment at the PDG in Delta As a child I went to the Richmond office and they always took very good care of me.  I was not to sure how it was going to go, he has been to the Drs plenty of times and its a hit and miss with him.  Like a big boy he hopped in the chair, he got kind of nervous as the hygienist lowered the chair back but we told him he was going to be all right.  The hygienist explained what was going to happen and he sat there happily watching Tangled as she polish, put fluoride on his teeth and flossed them.  Logan of course in between having all the instruments in his mouth talk the hygienist ear off.  The dentist came and we talk about his huge overbite and about the soother once again. Yes it will be gone after we get back from our trip in July. He did wonderully and we are so proud of him
Logan waiting for the dentist after getting his teeth cleaned
 Sunday we headed to the Zoo with some friends, Logan was pretty excited about being there not so much for the animals but to run around.  Some of the animals were intresting to him but the best part for him was the train that we took.

Logan in mid run

Logan give a Giraffe some Love

Really excited to be on the train

Ms Ryleigh showing of her new sunglasses

Poor Dave pretty much had Logan on his shoulders the whole trip

After the zoo we headed back to our friends for dinner, it was a fun day but exhausting.

Monday 11 April 2011

Ryleigh 5 Months

April 11 2011 5 months old
Happy 5 months Baby girl!!  I love you to the moon and back!!

Weekend Round Up

I love weekends, it is two full days that I get to spend with my family.  My weekends are nothing like what they use in my late teens, early twenties =) but they are still just as fun.

On Saturday we a very sweet little boys first Birthday party.  My friends Karen and Jeff did amazing job decorating for Bennys birthday.  They had a great craft table for the kids and a lot of yummy food.

                I wish we could have got a pick of the center pieces on the table but by this time the kids were playing with them

The center pieces were a huge hit with all the kids
Ryleigh had such a great time she fell alseep
Finn hanging out with the big boys he is to cute

After the birthday party we went to my parents place (they are out of town) to take advantage of their Barbecue as we do not have one at our apartment and invited some friends to join us.

Sunday we ran errands in the morning. Came home so the kids could nap was going to go out again but Ryleigh surprised us by taking a 4 1/2 hour nap.

All and all pretty good weekend